Monday, January 30, 2012

#9: Own a motorcycle

Every good midlife crisis needs a cool motorcycle, I just happened to have my midlife crisis at the age of 24. I had never ridden a motorcycle, dirt bike, scooter, or moped before, but for some reason I got it in my head that I needed a motorcycle. A few hours on craigslist, a trip to the bank and BAM, home with a motorcycle.

No regrets about buying the motorcycle, it looked good, it was easier to ride then I had expected, and it gave me something to do on weekends, besides, in Billerica if you don't own a motorcycle you just don't belong.

Somewhere along the way I got it in my head that it would be so cool if I moved to San Diego with nothing but a few boxes and my motorcycle, and it was tell people, but trying to get around in a new place that you know absolutely nothing about without being able to look at a GPS or a map is a nightmare. Also, having no car didn't make buying new furniture on the West Coast very easy.

After about two months of living in San Diego with just a motorcycle I got fed up, the very next weekend I set out to the dealership with the goal to buy a car no matter what, and I did. Another two months later I was laid off from my job and heading back to Massachusetts with a motorcycle and a car that I still had to make another 58 payments on, not my smartest move but at least I learned my lesson the next time around. When I moved back to San Diego I did the smart thing and sold the bike and kept the car. One day I will buy another motorcycle, that is unless the airplane or boat payments don't allow it financially.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

#11: Learn to fight

Growing up I was a fat kid who didn't have a lot of confidence. Once I finally lost the weight, I still needed to build my confidence, and what better way to build confidence then to learn how to fight?

I signed up to an MMA gym and immediately realized how satisfying it felt to hit someone, and it was even satisfying to be hit back. My MMA training lasted about three years in total. In that time I had two organized fights, trained at Randy Couture's gym in Vegas and Dean Lister's gym in San Diego. I finally stopped training shortly after moving to San Diego since I had less disposable income, no health insurance, and I couldn't find a gym that I really enjoyed.

Learning to fight was one of the best things I could have ever done for myself, and although its been a while since I have stepped foot in a gym, I do miss it badly however, and hope to one day find another gym that I enjoy as much as I enjoyed training at Blazing Sun IMB, my first home away from home.


Welcome to my bucket list. This is a site for me to share my most memorable moments. In doing this I hope to inspire myself to have even more moments worthy of this blog, and maybe even inspire you to make your own bucket list moments as well. Please don't be shy, and make sure to leave your comments, thoughts, ideas and share your own bucket list...I am always looking for inspiration.