Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#23: Swim with sharks

Me and my wife celebrated our honeymoon on the Oahu island of Hawaii. Before the trip I spent a lot of time going through a guidebook, trying to find things to do, places to see, and food to eat. One of the activities I found was a shark cage dive. It was cheaper than I expected at around $90 a person, but I wasn't sure if Pauline would be on board with the idea. A day or two into our honeymoon we went through the book again, and tried to book the weeks my surprise Pauline agreed to the shark cage idea.

We woke up at 5:00am the morning of our shark dive, ate a light breakfast, took some Dramamine, and made the 30 minute drive to the harbor. The boat took us, and about 13 other passengers 3-4 miles off the coast to where the shark cage was stored. The boat hooked up to the cage, and we were briefed on how to behave while in the cage. The cage fit about 8 people at once, so the boat was split into two groups...Pauline and I were in the first group. We put our gear on, pressed record on the GoPro, and climbed into the cage.

The water was a perfect cobalt blue, and the sharks wasted no time swimming up to the cage and checking us out. The sharks were sand bar sharks, and about 3-4 feet long...definitely not Great Whites, but still neat. Between the cage bobbing up and down, and my head moving in all directions trying to get video of the sharks, I started to get sea sick...breathing out of a tube didn't help either. After 20 minutes in the cage our time was up, which was okay with me since I was trying not to chum the water. I climbed back onto the boat and headed straight for the railing...I didn't puke, but I did spend the rest of the trip staring off at the horizon and taking deep breaths.

After the shark dive we headed back home and climbed right back into bed. Between the early wake up call, the adrenaline, and the sea sickness, we were pretty exhausted for the rest of the day. I enjoyed the activity, but I will think twice about climbing onto a boat deep sea fishing trips for this guy!

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