Friday, October 4, 2013

#3: Go on a surf trip

When I originally added this to my bucket list I was envisioning surfing somewhere exotic, maybe Costa Rica or something like that? The reality was that I was only about 90 minutes from my home in San Diego, at a gated community called Las Gaviotas in Baja California, Mexico.

The trip came about because a buddy of mine was celebrating his bachelor party down there. He and his friends are big into surfing, and most, if not all of them have been on many surf trips around the world. Although I had just returned days earlier from my honeymoon in Hawaii, I had never been to Mexico and figured this was a great opportunity to go with a bunch of seasoned travelers and surfers.

I took a half day from work and met up with two other guys. We loaded up the SUV, and made the 90 minute or so drive with no incidents. Once we arrived we immediately put on our wet suits and headed out to surf. One of the houses our group rented was right on the water, the other bigger house was a couple blocks away from the water. The weekend consisted of eating, drinking, and surfing. The waves were a decent size but pretty weak. I brought my smallest board which was a mistake, but luckily there were plenty of boards I could borrow that were better suited for the conditions. On Sunday morning we headed back towards good ol' US of A. The wait at the border was an unpleasant two hours of inching forward...inch by inch, as vendors came to your window and try to sell you crap.

Like I said, this isn't what I pictured when I added "surf trip' to my bucket list, but between surfing Waikiki one week, and spending the next weekend in Baja surfing...I would say it definitely counts.

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