Tuesday, April 10, 2012

#33: Go rock climbing

Paulines birthday was coming up, and I needed something for us to do to celebrate. We have decided it is more fun if we do something for each others birthday, instead of buy gifts. Originally I wanted to take her horseback riding in Temecula, but I couldnt get a reservation until May, so when I saw a Groupon for rock climbing I jumped on it.

We met our guide, and about 6 other people at Mission Trails in East San Diego, a 35-40 minute car ride for us from Encinitas. Our guide was young, and so was our group. After a quick introduction of what to expect, the guide handed out equipment. We were given helmets, harnesses, and tight ass shoes with rubber soles. Once everyone had their gear, we were off. It was a short, but challenging hike up to where we would be  rock climbing, and the inland heat didn't make things any easier. People were getting tired, and we hadn't even started rock climbing yet.

Once we reached the rock climbing area things slowed down, and got bit easier. There were two ropes set up, which meant that two people could climb at a time, meanwhile the rest of us could relax, and watch in the shade. The two climb paths were very different from each other. One was what you would typically expect, just a rock face to climb up, and the other was called a chimney, which is a narrow path between two rock walls. Although the chimney path looked more intimidating, it was actually a lot easier than the other path.

I found rock climbing to be a lot of fun, but very challenging. It seemed like everyone at some point would reach a certain spot in their climb where they would get stuck, and not know where to go next. Sometimes it seemed impossible to get any further, but somehow you do.

Monday, March 5, 2012

#34: Go ziplining

My brother was planning a Vegas vacation for his bachelor/ bachelorette party, and the whole family was going. As the best man, it was my duty to find something memorable that we could all participate in. What I found was Bootleg Canyons ziplining adventures.

The day was a blast from the get go. The guides packed everyone into two mini vans, and proceeded to peel out of the parking lot, and race each other up the windy, narrow mountain road. My heart was racing and I was still in the car.

Once we stopped the car we still had a short hike we had to make on foot until we reached the zipline. Standing on the zipline platform, and seeing what I was about to do was dizzying. Suddenly I felt like maybe this was too much, maybe I just ruined everyone's day. Once I was strapped in I waited for the countdown to take off, next thing I know I was cruising down the zipline, "this isn't so bad" I thought.

The day turned out to be a total blast. The ziplining was the perfect amount of scary, and the scenery was gorgeous. It was the perfect activity for the family to do together...who would have thought?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

#6: Learn to surf

The number one question I received when I returned to MA, after my failed attempt at moving to San Diego, was "did you learn to surf?". The answer was "no". What a total bummer, I lived in San Diego, a surf city, and I never even tried to surf. I would regret not taking advantage of this one, I was sure of it.

Well as fate would have it I ended up back in San Diego a few months later. This was my second chance to do all the things I didn't do the first time around. My brother must have known how essential it was that I learned to surf if I was going to live here, because when he came out to visit just a few weeks later, he pushed for us to take surfing lessons.

The lessons went pretty well, but there really isn't a lot you can teach someone to prepare them to surf. Everything you need to know can be taught in about five minutes, the rest of the lesson is trail and error. I guess the good thing about taking a lesson though is that it gives you the confidence to get out there and try it.

I have been surfing for about two years now, and I definitely don't feel like I'm a pro at it. Progressing at surfing is such a slow process. I seldom feel like I am improving from day to day, but when I look back 18, 12, or even 6 months ago, I can see the progress I have made...even though I haven't realized it.

Surfing is an interesting past time. I cant think of anything else that can be peaceful, scary, beautiful, relaxing, exhausting, and fun, all at the same time.

Monday, February 6, 2012

#13: Go to Legoland

When I was in third grade I remember reading a Lego magazine and they had an article on Legoland, I thought  this place is amazing...I had to go there! Little did I know I just found my first bucket list item. 

Well I eventually grew up, gave my box of Legos to my nephews, and never thought of Legoland again, that is until I unknowingly got a job just a mile away from Legoland. Fate? Maybe. At 27 years old I knew I wasn't going to enjoy Legoland, but with free tickets offered I remembered I had promised myself as a kid I would see this place, and I couldn't turn my back on that. I toured the park in record time, and now I can check it off my list. Little Jeff...you screwed me on this one!

#22: Play with a monkey

Well I am definitely stretching it with this one but if I don't check it off the list now I am afraid I never will, besides at least I don't have to worry about this monkey tearing my face off.

I got to shake this guys hand at the Santa Monica pier for $1, what great luck I have!

#7: Drive cross country, #14: Visit New Orleans, #31: Have a real Philly cheesesteak

Well I have done this one twice actually, does that give me bonus points?

My first time driving cross country was after losing my job in San Diego. It was in the middle of the recession and I was having a real difficult time trying to apply for unemployment. I would sit on the phone from 8am to 5pm everyday, trying to get through to file a claim but had no luck. I was running out of money, and feeling very homesick, so I made the decision to go back home to Massachusetts. I decided to take advantage of my situation, and convinced my then ex-girlfriend Pauline to fly from Boston to San Diego just so she could drive cross country with me, and she reluctantly agreed (this is why I love her so much).

With our route planned, the car packed, and a credit card in my wallet we were off. Our first stop was El Paso, TX...what a sketchy dump. Next we were in Austin, TX. We both loved Austin, and I still regard the chicken fried ahi tuna that I ate for dinner here the best meal of my life. New Orleans was next, and again we had a blast. We gambled, drank hurricanes, and made a pit stop to use the bathroom at a gay bar unknowingly, where I had my first sexual assault...good times, but too bad it wasn't on my bucket list. Philly was our last stop before home. Pauline's cousin lives here so we stayed with her, and she took the day off to show us around town which was great! We saw the Rocky statue, ran the rocky stairs, and had lunch at the famous Pat's Steaks...what more could you want? After Philly we were headed home. We went from palm trees and sunshine to dirty slush and snow in just five days.

Even though Pauline vows never to drive cross country again I think she would agree that it was a blast of a trip and we made a bunch of memories.

My second drive cross country came just a few months after my first. The company out in San Diego I had worked for previously had lost their head drafter and was looking for a replacement. The money I was offered to take the job was enough for me to actually consider going back, and enough time had gone by that I forgot about how homesick I had been when I was living there just a few months back. The only hurdle I would face would be Pauline, I wouldn't go without her...not this time, but for some reason Pauline agreed to move to San Diego with me...she cried over it, but she agreed.

Pauline stuck to her vow to never drive cross country again so I was stuck looking for another co-pilot, thank god for my friend Joe, who is always up for an adventure. Unfortunately for Joe I was heading off on my own and not pack to my parents basement, so I wasn't in the position to rack up my credit card driving cross country this time around, and we were taking the much less exciting Northern route.

With very little planning, and no set route or final destination mapped out, we were off. About six hours into our first day the check engine light in the car came on. We pulled off the highway to look for a service station and in the process Joe ran over a curb and blew out the tire. We had to unpack the trunk of all my possessions just to get to the spare, but thank god, it was a full size spare. Six hours into our four day journey and it was not looking pretty. Thankfully the rest of the trip went smoother. We stopped in Cleveland, OH., Lincoln, NE., and Grand Junction, CO. which lead us right through the Rocky Mountains... AMAZING! I don't know what we were thinking driving 3000 miles with a check engine light and on a spare tire, probably not a great decision on our part, but f it, we made it...and in great time!

I will forever be grateful to Joe and Pauline for going through these journeys with me. Maybe one day we can do it again, but if so we are taking an R.V. and a month off work.

Monday, January 30, 2012

#9: Own a motorcycle

Every good midlife crisis needs a cool motorcycle, I just happened to have my midlife crisis at the age of 24. I had never ridden a motorcycle, dirt bike, scooter, or moped before, but for some reason I got it in my head that I needed a motorcycle. A few hours on craigslist, a trip to the bank and BAM, home with a motorcycle.

No regrets about buying the motorcycle, it looked good, it was easier to ride then I had expected, and it gave me something to do on weekends, besides, in Billerica if you don't own a motorcycle you just don't belong.

Somewhere along the way I got it in my head that it would be so cool if I moved to San Diego with nothing but a few boxes and my motorcycle, and it was cool...to tell people, but trying to get around in a new place that you know absolutely nothing about without being able to look at a GPS or a map is a nightmare. Also, having no car didn't make buying new furniture on the West Coast very easy.

After about two months of living in San Diego with just a motorcycle I got fed up, the very next weekend I set out to the dealership with the goal to buy a car no matter what, and I did. Another two months later I was laid off from my job and heading back to Massachusetts with a motorcycle and a car that I still had to make another 58 payments on, not my smartest move but at least I learned my lesson the next time around. When I moved back to San Diego I did the smart thing and sold the bike and kept the car. One day I will buy another motorcycle, that is unless the airplane or boat payments don't allow it financially.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

#11: Learn to fight

Growing up I was a fat kid who didn't have a lot of confidence. Once I finally lost the weight, I still needed to build my confidence, and what better way to build confidence then to learn how to fight?

I signed up to an MMA gym and immediately realized how satisfying it felt to hit someone, and it was even satisfying to be hit back. My MMA training lasted about three years in total. In that time I had two organized fights, trained at Randy Couture's gym in Vegas and Dean Lister's gym in San Diego. I finally stopped training shortly after moving to San Diego since I had less disposable income, no health insurance, and I couldn't find a gym that I really enjoyed.

Learning to fight was one of the best things I could have ever done for myself, and although its been a while since I have stepped foot in a gym, I do miss it badly however, and hope to one day find another gym that I enjoy as much as I enjoyed training at Blazing Sun IMB, my first home away from home.


Welcome to my bucket list. This is a site for me to share my most memorable moments. In doing this I hope to inspire myself to have even more moments worthy of this blog, and maybe even inspire you to make your own bucket list moments as well. Please don't be shy, and make sure to leave your comments, thoughts, ideas and share your own bucket list...I am always looking for inspiration.